(216) 791-9378


What We Do


Pure Water & Foods

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Build Home & Medical

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Make Donation & Education

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic.


Fun Facts



People Rised




Poor People Saved


Country Member

Video Showcase

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Core Features

Wisdom Keepers Senior Center

The National Foster Grandparent Program The National Foster Grandparent Program 90 + Senior Volunteers 72% 300 + Children 79% 900 + Children Affected From Volunteers 89% 90 Senior Volunteers serviced 300+ children with individual tutoring and

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Ubuntu Learning Center

Ubuntu Learning Center The East End Individual Learning Center provides high expectations and respect for children and their talents through cultural awareness, independence, choice & problem solving.  Our curriculum align with Step up to quality model

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National Foster Grandparent Program

The National Foster Grandparent Program The National Foster Grandparent Program 90 + Senior Volunteers 72% 300 + Children 79% 900 + Children Affected From Volunteers 89% 90 Senior Volunteers serviced 300+ children with individual tutoring and

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Neighborhood Family Supportive Services

Our services addresses the diverse needs of families We help promote well-being, and strengthen family units. Neighborhood Family Support Services Approximately 250 families were serviced thru NFSS. East End is part of a county-wide effort that

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Funding Facts


Our Leaders

For Humanity

Event Showcase


Become A Proud Volunteer

Our team really needs volunteers. Those who are willing and have the desire to help those in need. If you are young, active and ready to change the world for the better, we look forward to seeing you own design is my main power.

The dedication and the charity work of volunteers from Neumette organization are doing worldwide can’t be underes- timated. We cooperated with them a year ago during a conflict in Syria, and their team members offered.


Client Feedbacks

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Jeams H. Andar

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Kirani K. Kados

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Irairani I. Lados

Chairman, CEO

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Hirani M. Dados

Founder, Cichu Co.

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Mirani H. Bados

Founder, Cichu Co.