(216) 791-9378

Ubuntu Learning Center

The East End Individual Learning Center provides high expectations and respect for children and their talents through cultural awareness, independence, choice & problem solving. 

Our curriculum align with Step up to quality model and other state recognized education.

We also uniquely implement both the settlement house movement foundation of affirming diverse cultures and our own commitment to African centered history.


We Offer

  • Cultural humility, Awareness, and Competency for Equitable Service.
  • Step To Quality 4-Star rated education.
  • Qualified and Caring Teachers, Parent Committee, and Family Engagement Activities.
  • Family Wraparound Resources and Specialized Services.

– Cultural humility, Awareness, and Competency for Equitable Service.

Star rated and Universal Prekindergarten History.

Qualified and Caring Teachers Parent Council and Family       
Inclusion Activities.

Family Wraparound Resources and Specialized Services.

Want to enroll in our program?

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